There are more than 3.9 billion email users around the world, making it the most popular means of communication.
The best digital marketing approach to creating and converting leads is email marketing. Email marketing companies collaborate with a variety of email service providers to provide automated and personalized marketing emails with promotions and company notifications. Email marketing can be used to provide anything from weekly newsletters and advertising updates to customer survey forms and event invitations.
Your online store can expand with the help of our cutting-edge email marketing and automation services.
The most efficient strategy to reach your target market is created by our email marketing team, which specializes in e-commerce. Ongoing email newsletter services, content planning, advertising concepts and automated marketing campaigns are all things we advise on. To learn more about the best email marketing for Shopify and other platforms, contact us.
If you want to increase conversions and make money, you need a team to develop eye-catching and compelling email marketing campaigns that inform your audience about the latest promotions and discounts. We create, implement, and test eCommerce campaigns as well as Shopify email marketing strategies.
Once your current campaigns, templates, and segmented contacts have been transferred to the email service provider of your choice, you can get back to work right away. Our business is compatible with the vast majority of well-known eCommerce platforms, including BigCommerce, Shopify, and WooCommerce.
Our Shopify email marketing and ecommerce experts create a roadmap for integrating predictive technology into creating automated campaigns and workflows that encourage and accelerate future transactions. From welcome series and VIP pre-engagement to checkout sequences and abandoned cart automation, we can automate anything.
Las interacciones regulares con la marca son necesarias para construir conexiones sólidas con los clientes, y las conversaciones normales de marketing por correo electrónico en línea con el cliente permiten que cualquier empresa genere lealtad a la marca mientras aumenta las ventas. Las mejores campañas de correo electrónico también cuestan de seis a doce veces menos para interactuar y promocionar a un cliente actual que otros canales de marketing como la publicidad paga o el marketing en redes sociales.
Email campaigns offer greater reach and engagement potential than conventional marketing strategies, according to research. According to statistics, 92% of internet users have at least one email account and 72% of email users check their inboxes more than six times a day.